India. The Goddess of Learning and Fine Arts.
Saraswati: Diosa de la sabiduría y el arte.
Saraswati: Diosa de la sabiduría y el arte.
Saraswati though regarded as the wife if Brahma, the Hindu God of creation, is never know as having any child। She is simply to signify the embodiment of spiritual knowledge. She is Vidya -the knowledge incarnate. Another name of Her is Adya, the ever existing one from the very beginning of the womb of universe. In other words, she is the one for all and one with all. So she is also regarded ad Jagadamba Tripurasundari, universal mother of all three worlds.
In arts she is represented as having pure white form wearing a very simple spotless sari। She is generally shown seated on a full blown lotus. Her favourite mount is Hansa or a swan wich is symbolically to drive away Avidya, or ignorance and, keep the light of knowledge always on.
Hansa or a swan, in our religious culture and arts, is widely regarded as the most essential being: that is sould or the central core of our inner consciousness.
Hansa or a swan, in our religious culture and arts, is widely regarded as the most essential being: that is sould or the central core of our inner consciousness.
In Nepal Manjushree, the Buddhist deity of knowledge and arts, is widely worshipped as Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of learning and fine arts. This is a perfect example of peaceful coexistence. The Nepalese have been quite used to seeing both the religion as theird own lungs.
From the book: "Popular Deities, emblem & images of Nepal by Dhuirba K. Deep, pag. 45 - 46. (Nirala series-25).

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